Stainless Steel Price

Current stainless steel price and historical price charts. The displayed prices are collected from the United States, China, and Europe steel markets.

The price of stainless steel can vary depending on several factors, including:

Hot-rolled BandUSA, East$ 995.00 -61.001618.00995.00USD/MT
RebarMainland China$ 437.00 -2.0064667.00437.00USD/MT
Standard PlateMainland China$ 483.00 -3.00708.00483.00USD/MT
Cold-rolled CoilMainland China$ 537.00 -1.00770.00537.00USD/MT
Cold Heading Wire 22A ?6.5mmWarehouse Shanghai$ 534.47 -9.2779929.30534.47USD/MT
Stainless HR Coil 304/No.1 6.0 mmWarehouse China$ 1902.08 -9.393004.741902.08USD/MT
Stainless HR Coil 201/No.1 6.0 mmWarehouse China$ 1162.24 -25.621731.331162.24USD/MT
Stainless CR Coil 430/2B 1.0 mmWarehouse China$ 1121.70 -18.391528.881121.70USD/MT
Stainless CR Coil 304/2B 1.0 mmWarehouse China$ 2084.43 -9.613164.552084.43USD/MT
Stainless CR Coil 201/2B 1.0 mmWarehouse China$ 1229.51 -24.161762.561229.51USD/MT
Electrical Steel Grain Oriented 130 0.3*980 mmWarehouse China$ 1711.90 8.542787.831711.90USD/MT
Electrical Steel Non-grain 470 0.5*1200 mm Warehouse China$ 755.35 -15.0889130.24755.35USD/MT
Electrical Steel Non-grain 800 0.5*1,200 mmWarehouse China$ 719.93 -15.1185467.96719.93USD/MT
Stainless Scrap 304 SolidWarehouse Dainan$ 1296.97 -12.952151.371296.97USD/MT
Stainless Bar 321 60 mmWarehouse Dainan$ 2197.04 -13.103204.602197.04USD/MT
Stainless Bar 304 60 mmWarehouse Dainan$ 1956.28 -13.253037.761956.28USD/MT
Stainless Seamless Pipe 304 108*4 mmWarehouse Wenzhou$ 2196.65 11.343515.252196.65USD/MT

Steel Prices

Price Regions