Global Steel Market Data & Reports

Steel market historical data, analysis, and charts.

Major exporters of steel 2022

Major exporters of steel 2022

  • 68.1 MT China
Major importers of steel 2022

Major importers of steel 2022

  • 28.9 MT United States
World steel exports by product 2018 to 2022

World steel exports by product 2018 to 2022

  • 44.6 MT Ingots and semi-finished material
Trade in ferrous scrap 2021 and 2022

Trade in ferrous scrap 2021 and 2022

  • 8.2 MT United Kingdom
  • 17.5 MT United States
  • 24.0 MT North America
World steel trade in products 1975 to 2022

World steel trade in products 1975 to 2022

  • 401.7 MT Steel trade in 2022
Iron ore 2021

Iron ore 2021

  • 135.9 MT North America
  • 48.7 MT United States
Direct reduced iron production 2018 to 2022

Direct reduced iron production 2018 to 2022

  • 5.0 MT United States
  • 42.3 MT India
Pig iron 2021 and 2022

Pig iron 2021 and 2022

  • 21.0 MT United States
  • 29.2 MT North America